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Chers collègues, 

Le prochain séminaire des études mongoles et sibériennes aura lieu le mercredi 1er février de 14h à 16h


Nous recevrons Sergei Shtyrkov (EPHE, GSRL) et Aliona Davydova (qui sera en ligne). Ils effectueront une présentation en anglais sur le thème :


« Narratives of cultural heritage in a New Age pilgrimage to Seidozero (Murmansk Region, Russia) : How tour guides use Sámi traditions (locations/spaces?) in places where there are no Sámi »


Résumé : 

Seidozero, located in the Murmansk region (Russia), has been gaining popularity as a spiritual (New-Age) tourism destination for the past two decades. Small travel agencies and single guides invite their potential clients there, using the image of this place as a locus full of mystery and enigma, that means it promises very special sensations to its visitors. This reputation is based on two – sometimes competing, sometimes

 interacting – narratives. One describes Seidozero as the centre of an ancient Slavic civilisation that perished in a global catastrophe but passed on high cultural achievements to all of humanity. Another story connects this place with the past and the religion of the Sámi, the indigenous people of the Kola Peninsula. Those travel brokers who consistently adhere to the second version of the etiological narrative understand that they must be intermediaries between the real “hosts” and “guests”. But since there is no presentation of the place by the hosts, the guides have to take on the role of bearers of the local religious tradition in order to give their clients a special experience of visiting the “site of the spiritual heritage of the indigenous peoples”. (Photo ci-dessous d’Aliona Davydova)


La séance aura lieu au Campus Condorcet , en salle 5.067, du bâtiment de recherche nord, 14 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers. (pour monter au 5e étage il est nécessaire de demander un badge à l’accueil en échange de sa carte d’identité). Métro Front Populaire (Ligne 12) ou RER B La Plaine – Stade de France


Il sera également possible d’assister au séminaire en ligne en vous connectant à : https://meet.goto.com/gsrl


En espérant vous retrouver nombreux, 


I. Charleux, G. Delaplace, D. Oparin & V. Vaté