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The Daoist living tradition and comparative perspectives on East Asian Buddhist, imperial and local practices

Second colloque Franco-Japonais sur les lieux saints taoïstes


Paris, March 24-25, 2017


Organisé par Tsuchiya Masaaki (Senshu University) et Vincent Goossaert (EPHE)

Avec le soutien de EPHE, KAKENHI 科研費, GSRL (EPHE-CNRS), CEIB (Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme)



Vendredi 24 mars : au France (190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris), salle 123


9:15 Opening

Keynote speech 1: Miura Kunio 三浦國雄 (Sichuan University)

« Graves as sacred sites: A new angle on the Zhen’gao » 作为圣地的坟墓―对《真诰》的新观点 (「聖地としての墓―『真誥』に対する新視点―」)

Keynote speech 2: Yuan Bingling (Fuzhou University)

« The pilgrimage to Maoshan and Early Chinese Spring sacrifices » 茅山的進香活動與古代春祭傳統


10:15 Coffee break


10:30 Panel 1

Chinese holy mountains and their visitors

 Vincent Goossaert (EPHE)

« Visitors to Longhushan, holy mountain and bureaucratic center »

Tsuchiya Masaaki 土 屋 昌 明 (Senshu University)

« Pilgrimage practices of Tang-period Daoists » 唐代道士巡禮過程初探

Pierre Marsone (EPHE)

« Muyeshan 木葉山, the Khitans’ sacred mountain, and its imperial cult »

Anne Bouchy (EFEO – Lisst-CAS)

« Des traces dans la montagne – Parcours rituels et conceptions de la montagne dans le shugendô (Japon) » (Traces in the mountains. Ritual trajectories and notions of the mountain in Shugendô)


12:30 Buffet lunch


14:00 Panel 2

Temples and pilgrimage networks

Kristofer Schipper (EPHE)

« Saints and their Pilgrimages in Ancient China »

Ishino Kazuharu 石 野 一 晴 (Keio University)

« Pilgrimages as seen in the late Qing route book Canxue zhijin » 晚清路程書《參學知津》所反映的朝山進香

Marcus Bingenheimer (Temple University)

« Going on Pilgrimage in the Late Qing – Itinerary networks in “Knowing the Paths of Pilgrimage” (c.1827) and “Records of Travels to Famous mountains” (c.1918) »


15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break


Fang Ling (CNRS – GSRL)

« The pilgrimage with no return »

Sakai Norifumi 酒井規史 (Keio University)

« Daoist temples and sacred sites during the Song period » 宋代道觀與道教聖地

Wei Bin 魏 斌 (Wuhan University)

« A blessed site of immortality – beliefs about Tiantaishan and the rise of its Buddhist and Daoist temples » “不死之福庭”:天台山的信仰想像与寺馆起源

Yamashita Kazuo 山 下 一 夫 (Keio University)

« Le Huoshenmiao de Xuzhou et le bouddhisme contemporain » 徐州火神廟與當代佛教


17:45 End of panel


Samedi 25 mars : en Sorbonne, salle D064


9:30 Panel 3

Conceptions of the holy sites and dongtian 洞天

 Hirose Naoki 廣 瀨 直 記 (Waseda University)

« Immortality practices and travels under the Six dynasties » 六朝時代的修仙與雲遊

Isabelle Ang (Collège de France)

« Dongtian, imperial rituals of “tossing dragons” and local cults in Tang to Song China »

Shiga Ichiko 志 賀 市 子 (Ibaraki Christian University)

« What kind of innovations did spirit-writing bring about for a popular saint’s cult? : A case of the Song Da-Feng cult in 19th century Chaozhou » 扶乩對民間聖人信仰帶來什麼革新? 以十九世紀潮州地區的宋大峰信仰為個案

Pan Junliang (Université Paris-Diderot)

« The pilgrimage to Daruoyan : Daoist Dongtian and Popular Cult » 大若巖胡公爺班——道教洞天與俗神祠祀

Mori Mizue 森 瑞 枝 (Rikkyo University)

« Is there a Daoist influence on Japanese religious conceptions of caves as holy sites ? » 日本の洞窟信仰と道教・洞天思想


12:00 Lunch at local restaurant


14:00 Panel 4

Comparative approaches – Holy sites in East Asia

Suzuki Takeo 鈴木健郎 (Senshu University)

« Comparing Japanese and Chinese cults of mountains » 日本-中国山岳宗教的比较研究 (「日本の山岳宗教と中国の山岳宗教の比較考察」)

Isabelle Charleux (CNRS – GSRL)

« The Mongols and the Womb-Cave of Wutaishan: A Ritual of Fertility or of Rebirth?»

Ji Zhe (Inalco)

« Mapping Buddhism in the early 21st-century China » 图绘二十一世纪初的中国佛教

Lai Sih-yu 頼 思 妤 (The University of Tokyo)

« A preliminary study on the different versions of the Wu Yue Zhen Xing Tu in Japan » 在日『五嶽真形圖』版本初探 (「日本における『五嶽真形図』版本考初探」)


16:00-16:15 Coffee break


16:15 Film screening

Patrice Fava : The Pilgrimage to Miaofengshan

Ninomiya Satoshi 二 ノ 宮 聡 (Kansai University) : Comments