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au Centre des Etudes Mongoles et Sibériennes (CEMS), 54 bd Raspail, salle P1-01/B1-10.


Nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Aimar Ventsel de l’Université de Tartu, qui effectuera une présentation sur le thème :


“Sakha and Estonian Estrada: comparison of two pop music trajectories”



In the period after World War II and partially caused by the development of technology of sound recording and transmission, the production of local pop music became widespread. The sonic qualities of these local music genres were strongly influenced by the Soviet light pop sung in Russian that was called “Estrada”. In my talk I compare Estonian and Sakha “Estrada” in the Soviet era. Both regional music genres developed and existed in a similar institutional and ideological framework but were nevertheless different. Sakha “Estrada” music is strongly related to a formal schooling and state control. The “Estrada” style was adopted from Russians and was always about finding a balance between ethnic melodies and musical language of “Estrada”. By and large, Sakha “Estrada” remained music for the regional consumption.

Estonia had its own pre-war pop music tradition, which partially continued after WW II. Many musicians and composers continued their work under the Soviet rule. Soviet Estonia had neither centralized control of the “Estrada” nor central institutions for educating “Estrada” musicians. Estonian Soviet “Estrada” has its own success story on a national scale, which makes it different from the Sakha pop music.

Different trajectories are also the reason why pop music is very different in these regions today. The Republic of Sakha still maintains central financing and control over pop music. Estonian pop music transformed into a survivalist mode in the early 1990s.